Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A little bit about me.

I am a very flawed person.
I can be short tempered, I swear ALOT, I am sarcastic, stubborn, have little to no patience when it comes to certain things, I don't like to talk about my feelings and I am very much set in my ways.
Ohh! And I am the queen of the scatterbrains!

But I also love fiercely, I am a bleeding heart (as my hubby calls me), I can't stand bullies of any kind and I always speak up for those who cannot speak themselves, whether it be a 4 legged creature or a 2 legged one.

Hi. I am B - the Effed Up Vegan.

I don't know why I am starting this blog. I don't know what topics I will cover and I know I won't tiptoe around the subjects that I will be posting about. I go out of my way not to be hurtful to people on purpose but I do call things the way I see them - I might not always be right but I won't always be wrong either.

I am a new Vegan. Just an itty bitty sapling really.
Less than a year old in Vegan years.
That means that I ate my friends, with a smile on my face, for 28 years.

I am also what people often call, a "rape survivor" or a "victim of sexual abuse/violence".

Why on earth am I telling you that?

Because I am the way I am today, because of it. Or in spite of it. I don't really know which one is more appropriate.

I still have days that I struggle with the memories and I often get pulled back to the past while talking about rape or when I am fighting with a fellow "survivor" in their case or with their feelings.

Of course I don't have to participate in that topic but I know that I'll pull through. I always do because remember, I'm stubborn.

I am a wife with step kids. They are actually young men now.

I also have 3 dogs and 2 cats.

I am a sister and a daughter, a friend and I'm sure, someone's foe.
I say that last part because of my habit of calling people out when it comes to the treatment of animals and sometimes, people. They might not be MY foe but I'm sure I'm theirs.

I love reading, baking and cooking.

So, good people of the internet. This is me in a nutshell.

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